Speech will continue until all words have been read aloud, or until the speech has been stopped by going to the same Speech menu and choosing “Stop Speaking”. Speech begins immediately through this method. Speech begins immediately, the Mac will use text to speech to speak the text that is shown on the screen or that is selected. Go to the Edit menu and then pull down to ‘Speech’ (or right-click and choose “Speech”).
Set the cursor to where you’d like the text to be spoken (default will be the beginning of the document or text), or select a specific word or text. You can speak existing text or typing anything out to have it spoken too, here’s how text to speech works on Mac: Finally, we’ll also show you how to change the voices used, and the rate of speech (meaning, how fast the words are spoken). Once the process has been installed, in the next Skype call the other speaker will hear the output of the TTS voice rather then the input of the microphone.We’ll cover the two quickest and easiest ways to use Text to Speech on a Mac from common apps like word processors, web browsers, and text editors, and also demonstrate the command line ‘say’ trick to speak text by way of the Terminal application. The method should apply to both Windows, MAC, Facetime and Google Hangouts. open a TTS application and the speech will be sent over Skype. change the microphone setting to sound flower (2ch). Load Skype an go to preferences > audio/ video. Go to system preferences > sound > output and select Create multi - output device. Select built in output and Soundflower (2ch), then exit. Click the small + symbol and in the bottom left and select Create multi output device. A small flower icon appear in the top bar, click on the flower then Audio set up. Go to applications > Soundflower and run Soundflowerbed. To use CereProc's TTS voice just follow these instructions: Now users are able to use CereProc's TTS voices during their Skype call. Recently Skype set out to improve their accessibility for their users by adding new features such as adding text to speech.